Staring away in to the distance, catching glimmers of lights being dragged around. Everything looks random at first. It takes the calmness of a tired idler to spot the uniformity of everything around.
Every little detail of life implies no meaning particularly. But as a piece of a whole, there is nothing more significant than some little detail floating about.
It is truly fascinating how one does not completely realize the facts of life once they are taken as a whole. One knows that others think and dream but never realizes while dwelling on his own dream.
One hardly realizes that one's desires almost always coincides with another's. Desires which can only be quenched by one.
One hardly realizes that one's desires almost always coincides with another's. Desires which can only be quenched by one.
People smile at the cost of another's. A laughter on this hand and a well of tears on the other. One being whole while another seeps to solitude. Questions asked and answers given.
But the answer lies far away from the question. One may never find the answer to his question until he dreams the dream of all dreamers. Until he unravel his tears over laughter. Until he can answer another's question.
The perfect balance we don't give in to.
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