Jon Snow will be back

Remember in season 5 episode 8 (Hardhome), Samwell Tarly told Olly that "Jon Snow will be back" ? 

Yes, Season 6 is being filmed right now and Kit Harrington (Jon Snow) is booked for two more seasons so we will definitely see him in season 6.

But how is it possible?

Remember at the last moments before Stannis left for the seige of Winterfell, Lady Melissandre left the camp and headed for the Castle Black. She left Stannis because she knew that Stannis was a lost cause and she was 'needed' on the wall for a far greater cause.

She saw in the flames a great battle in the north. I bet it was not the battle between Stannis and Boltons. I believe the battle she saw was between men and the army of the dead. 

Jon Snow will be leading this war and for that he will have to be resurrected. We all know that the Lord of Light can bring back people from the dead. 

So I'm prepared to see Lady Melissandre bringing back Jon Snow in Season 6, probably on the first or the second episode.

Oh boy I'm excited!


Hello guys, I'm Bamba Zillah. I'm a stressed out nerd with less patience on the keyboard. Welcome to my saturated mind!

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